Development of Solar Water Pumping System in Giriharjo Village, Panggang District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Roni Eka Arrohman, Rizky Febrianto, Fitrotun Aliyah, Tri Handoyo, Ahmad Agus Setiawan
Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University
Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta 55281 INDONESIA
Phone/Fax.: +62 274 580882
Category : Graduate
In 2007, university student community who concern with renewable energy, KAMASE from Physics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University (UGM) cooperated with Curtin University, Australia to follow Mondialogo Engineering Award (MEA). On this international competition, KAMASE and Curtin University been a winner with the theme of development of solar water pumping system in remote areas to help community who had clean water supply problem. The region chosen is Banyumeneng I hamlet, Giriharjo village, Panggang district, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. They received 20.000 Euros grant. From that victory, solar water pumping system program in Banyumeneng was started and implemented with student community services program called KKN-PPM UGM.
Banyumeneng I hamlet was a region with severely limited acces to water supply. Its landscape consists of karst structure which can not reserve water. Water scarcity problem always exist during dry season and local community have to struggle to collect water by walking about 3,2 or spending at least Rp 150.000,00/month to buy water, while their income are just around Rp 400.000,00/month in average. These were amongst the cause that prevented local residence never escaped from proverty.
Development of Solar Water Pumping System is done throug three of step; it are first step in 2008, second step in 2009, and final step in 2010.
First step included preparation of Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for Solar Water Pumping System and topographic mapping on region close to water source. The DED will used in system construction. Beside that, the first step also included program socialization for the local residence. This program focused on the establishment of independent water management organization, OPAKg, in Giriharjo Village, Panggang District.
The second step on the development Solar water Pumping System in Panggang District have two main program it are system installation and social installation. System installation involve solar arrays, pump housing, piping, wiring, and main reservoir installation. Students of UGM are mutual help with local community in construction of solar water pumping system. In social installation program, training were conducted in order to prepare local residence to actively involve on this program on installation, maintenance and environmental conservation. Economic issues and environmental conservation are important to maintain sustainability of water supply system.
The following year, July-August 2010, students of UGM continue develop the solar water pumping system through a program of student community services-comuunity empowerment learning (KKN-PPM UGM). This final step have three programs are system troubleshooting, OPAKg’s organizational network expansions, and improvement on OPAKg’s maanagement. Student also help OPAKg’s to build network with PAMASKARTA (Yogyakarta Potable water association) in order to improve OPAKg’s as an independent organization and continously developed. With the system installation, time and money previosly spent on water could be used for more productive ways. For academic purpose, this site is an ideal location for research, these writing, or as a field laboratory.
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